Death Elf

My sister and I absolutely ''love'' Skylanders. We've played - and beaten - both the first Skylanders and the sequel, Skylanders: Giants. We have a whole stash of Skylanders that my sister keeps in some sort of woven bag. Some Skylanders are doubled, like my sister and I both have our own series 2: Dark Spyro. We played it from when my sister got out of summer school for the day to the time she has to go to bed. We played it nearly everyday!
By the time my sister got home for the thousandth time, I had gotten got up, turned on the PS3, grabbed my controller, and put hers on her bed. We rarely played our other games, like Dynasty Warriors, Little Big Planet 2, and G-Force. We started the game and Player 1, my sister, put her Cynder on the Portal of Power. After Cynder popped up on the screen yelling "Bolts and Lightning!" I joined the game.
"What Skylander do you want?" my sister asks me, although she probably knows the answer. I tell her I want Stealth Elf, and she takes both of our Skylanders out of her bag. The Portal of Power is too far on her side of the room for me to reach and if I got up to put the two Stealth Elves on it, I'd probably rip open my foot, as my cousin broke a picture frame and the glass is still somewhere on the floor.
My sister puts the first Skylander on the portal. Stealth Elf comes up on the screen, her back to us. We waited about half a second before she turns her head and whispers, "Silent but deadly." You know, Stealth Elf has the kind of dialogues that never annoys you when you hear them, apart from when you jump on a bounce pad she sometimes yells "Bouncey!" The nickname shows up: Dark Ninja. No. That's my sister's Stealth Elf.
My sister switches the two Stealth Elves and my Skylander's nickname comes up: Ivy Inject. I wanted to name my Stealth Elf something uncommon and related to her Grass Element. Poison Ivy is a dangerous plant if you are allergic to it, but it is still dangerous. Stealth Elf is a dangerous Skylander, and as far as unusual goes... well, I got that from her backstory. See, I meant to call her Ivy ''Reject'', not Ivy Inject, but inject makes her sound like a mad scientist's serum gave her crazy-fast ninja skills, so I kept it.
Cynder and Ivy Inject both jump into the game and I couldn't help realizing that Ivy Inject had an insanely big stash of gold, so I asked my sister if we could go see Persephone, the small fairy who, yes, is slightly annoying. Talking to Persephone is the only way in the game where you can upgrade your Skylander. My sister agrees and we both go into a rather large room on the side of Captain Flynn's flying ship. Yes. A flying ship.
I talked to Persephone, who said "Have you come back for another ''magical'' upgrade?". See what I mean? Annoying, no arguments there. I said yes and chose the 'Pook Blade Saint' path. Wait, really? Pook Blade Saint? Dear God, the names the game developers come up with, seriously! Anyway, I scrolled through the upgrades and found 'Elf Jitsu'. Being the cousin of two boys, one of which who watched every episode of Ninjago, Elf Jitsu sounded like a remix of Spin Jitsu. My sister and I laughed at the unintentional similarity. I bought the upgrade and tried it out once we exited the room.
X-X-Square! I repeated this until Ivy Inject finally performed Blade Fury,one of the new Elf Jitsu attacks. She was half way through the attack when my sister talked to Captain Flynn. The cutscene where we talk to Flynn started but instead of standing next to Cynder, looking from left to right like someone is out to get her, Ivy Inject was still doing the Blade Fury attack. So my guess is that she just Elf Jitsued her way up the stairs. Flynn finished talking by the time Ivy Inject finished her Blade Fury.
The next scene is where Cynder and Ivy Inject get off the ship and Flynn makes up an excuse not to come with us to Kaos' castle. Some hero, huh? We start off the mission by fighting off guards that strangely look like Ivy Inject but male and taller. That kind of scares me, because she woke up one day ''alone'' in a forest. She didn't remember what happened or who her family was. My theory is that Ivy Inject's family is the guards, and they abandoned her. Anyway, once all the guards were dead, Cynder and Ivy Inject spoke to a living puppet called a Wilikin and he said that he and the other Wilikin had a secret way to open the door to Kaos' castle. Willingly, he told us how to unlock the door.
When we found Kaos, he said he'd ''love ''to watch us die, but he had a drill to attend to. That left us fighting Kaos' army. Unfortunately, a surprisingly strong chompy killed Ivy Inject. I didn't know she died until I saw a cutscene of her in a heaven-like place. Normally, Ivy Inject would sit down with a sad look on her face, but she didn't. She just stood there, terrified. I didn't know what was going on until I realized that Ivy Inject was holding her arm. What was she hiding? As if in answer, she slowly removed her hand. It was then I saw that Ivy Inject's hand was stained crimson from her own blood. Her sleeve was ripped at her shoulder and a bite mark was present where the Chompy had bitten her. In bold letters, the words 'This Skylander has been hurt. Please let her leave.' appeared above her. The word hurt was red. An 'Okay' option and a 'No' option appeared. This never happened and even my sister said it didn't. I chose no, and sent her back into battle, believing in her strength that she could win.
Ivy Inject hopped back into battle and a whole group of Swordmen came toward her. They surrounded her and hit her repeatedly, killing her again. The cutscene came up again. This time, Ivy Inject was in so much pain I had to look away. Three gashes were on her stomach, leaving deep wounds in her greenish blue skin. Her forehead had a long, unrepairable cut reaching down across her eye, leaving her half blind. This time, in bold words 'This Skylander has been injured. Don't make her go back.' showed up, again with options. I chose no again. "You can do this!" I urge Ivy Inject.
This time my sister moved Cynder in front of Ivy Inject so she didn't take much damage. Cynder, on the other hand, had died when she killed the last Swordsman, even though he killed her, too. Both my sister and I tensed up, waiting for the gruesome cutscene showing Cynder with wounds all over her body, but it didn't come. A different cutscene came up, never happening before when an Skylander died. All the fighting was faded into the background and Ivy Inject stabbed the chompy biting her. She got up, and slowly walked over to Cynder, who was on the ground, perfectly fine, no bruises or wounds. She was just... on the ground. She could have been sleeping, but she wasn't, and I knew she wasn't. Ivy Inject stood there for a few moments, staring down in shock at the dead dragon, then she fell to her knees and held up Cynder's head. For what seemed like forever Ivy Inject kept her one good eye closed, the other one couldn't be closed. Finally she opened her eye and raised her head.
"You did this!" Ivy Inject's voice was as cold as ice. I hoped desperately that she mean't Kaos. She kept talking though. "You couldn't send out Wrecking Ball or Whirlwind! You could have sent out anyone! Any of the Skylanders that you didn't nickname! It really isn't surprising that you'd name me after something everyone ''hates''!" She was talking to me. I didn't know she didn't like her nickname. I wish I could say she hates it because it sounds like Ivy Insect but I can't! She hates her nickname because she thinks I hate'' her''! Now the fight to stop Kaos from taking over Skylands became a fight to show Ivy Inject that out of all the Skylanders she's my favorite. I wished that the cutscene would be over. Ivy Inject stood up and stared straight at the camera, no, straight at me! "Don't! You just want this cutscene to be over so you can kill me!" She screams. That shocked me so much, the fact that she knows this is a game! "Why don't I save you the effort?" She whispers.
Ivy Inject looked at me for a while before bowing her head, trying to hide the tears. The camera zoomed out, showing the whole room. I couldn't help noticing that all the fighting had stopped and Kaos' army was staring at Ivy Inject in disbelief. All my attention was on her as she slowly digs her blade into her chest. "Don't do it, Ivy!" I yelled, not bothering to say the rest of her name. She was going to kill herself and it'd be all my fault! My sister was frozen.
"Why do you care what I do? You'' hate'' me!" She screams. I could hear depression in her voice.
"No I don't, Ivy!" I told her. Good thing my parents weren't home. They would be concerned for me. After all, I'm yelling at a screen.
"Prove it!" I could see Ivy Inject crying, and she was obviously in pain as she stuck her blade in deeper.
By now I was thinking of things I could possibly say to Ivy Inject that'd make her stop. "You're smart... uh... strong, beautiful..." I was completely aware that I'd say this to a real person. "Don't kill yourself!"
Ivy Inject just stared at me, and I knew I couldn't make her believe that I don't hate her. "Too late!" She says to me. With a swift motion Ivy Inject cut her chest sideways, killing her. She drops to the ground. She didn't kill her, I killed her...
It was 3 weeks before I played Skylanders again. I played as Wrecking Ball, smashing everything in my path and swallowing enemies whole. I was fighting in Kaos' castle again, the very spot where Ivy Inject died. Now her statue is nothing but a toy, but I treasure it. I sleep with it at night, holding the small, hard elf figure like a teddy bear. When I defeated the enemies within the room, the heaven-like place popped up like Wrecking Ball or Cynder had died. Only neither Skylanders were there, standing right in front of us was my favorite Skylander. Have you guessed who it is yet? It was Ivy Inject, and she looked ''awful''! Her blinded eye was bleeding as if she ripped the scar back open, and I could see her ribs and a long scar on her chest- the same wound she had made herself.
Actually, she looked happy. I was going to tell her I missed her when the screen went white and faded back to the cutscene. Ivy Inject was fine, all scars and wounds gone. She looked straight at me and said "You love me. I'm coming back." I was holding her statue and I could see it glowing. I put her on the Portal of Power and played. Then at night I took Ivy Inject off, and hugged her tight as I took her to bed with me.
''Written by BaltsTheWolf''